英文: Question:You used the transcallosal-interseptal-interforniceal approach to remove the third ventricle tumor. If the tumor extended into the lateral ventricle, what did you do?
中文: 问:你做经胼胝体-透明隔间隙-穹隆间入路切除第三脑室内的肿瘤,如肿瘤长入侧脑室,你如何处理?
英文: It was noticeable that there were many labelled cells in the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis(OVLT)in group CGL, and typical labelled cells in the ependyma of third ventricle near the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus in group CGM.
中文: 值得注意的CGL组在终板血管器观察到相当丰富的标记细胞,CGM组在邻近弓状核的室管膜内见相当典型的标记细胞。