英文: what about getting some of these people on unemployment benefit cleaning the litter up?
中文: “让领取失业救济的人来清理垃圾如何?”
英文: A claimant's weekly certification of eligibility for unemployment insurance during a claim series.
中文: 在连续索赔期间,申领人有资格领取失业保险金的每周证明。
英文: A common theme in much of their work was the adverse effects of high unemployment and low utilization of the capital stock on investment and, therefore , on productivity growth.
中文: 我是这样翻译的:他们工作中的一个共同主题就是在投资和生产力增长过程中股本的高闲置率和低利用率两者之间的相反作用。
英文: A poor economy may discourage people from moving. In Italy , where the unemployment rate is high, many men in their 20s and 30s continue to live with their parents.
中文: 经济困难反而会抑制人口流动。在意大利这个高失业率的国家,很多20到30岁的人仍然与他们的父母生活在一起。
英文: A poor economy may discourage people from moving. In Italy, where the unemployment rate is high, many men in their 20s and 30s continue to live with their parents.
中文: 经济环境差会阻碍人们移民。在高失业率的意大利,很多二三十岁的男性还和他们的父母住在一起。