英文: 10000 RMB/month depends on qualification, skill and experience + national holiday, labor regulation leave, stock options, and monthly, quarterly and yearly bonus.
中文: 月薪视乎学历、技能、经验。国家假期、劳动局标准有薪假期、认股权、月季年奖金。
英文: 1“Absence on leave ” shall be operated pursuant to “Regulation of Absence on leave for Personnel served in all Executive Yuan organizations under Civil Contractual Relationship”.
中文: 离职储金之扣缴及给与依「各机关学校聘雇人员离职储金给与办法」规定办理,按月扣缴储存生息,并于离职时依规定发给。
英文: 2 the deduction and grant of “pay-as-you-go” contribution benefit shall be operated pursuant to “regulation of ‘pay-as-you-go’ contribution benefit for personnel served in all organizations and schools under civil contractual relationship”. certain amount
中文: 按乙方每月支报酬之百分之七提存储金,其中百分之五十由乙方于每月报酬中扣缴作为自提储金,另百分之五十由甲方提拨作为公提储金,并由甲方在金融机构开立专户储存孳息,列帐管理。
英文: 2006 is the year with most policies put forward and strongest macro regulation controlling by local and central governments and of China's real estate.Based on further research on policy environment,market state,price trend as well as consumption mind of
中文: 2006年是我国房地产宏观调控政策出台最多和调控力度最大的一年,本文就调控后的房地产业的政策环境、市场情况、价格走势和消费心态等进行了深入的研究,并对2007年我国房地产走势进行了相关分析。
英文: 32 If they think that that clinches the argument against deregulation of the economy, they miss a crucial point.
中文: 如果他们认为那样做就能充分证明反对撤销经济调节之说言之有理,那么他们就没有抓住问题的要害。