英文: Leverette and photographer Dick Parrot managed to choreograph a moment's stillness by Emma Jean the basset hound, Oscar the Yorkshire terrier, Doogie the poodle and Clementine the English bulldog for the Kivlighan family.
中文: 莱弗里特和摄影师迪克·帕罗好不容易让奇维利家的四只小狗:矮脚猎犬挨玛·琼、约克郡犬奥斯卡、狮子狗杜奇和英国牛头犬克莱芒蒂娜安静了片刻,按照预先设计好的动作和圣诞老人一起拍了一组照片。
英文: Model Beth Ostrosky brought Bianca, an English bulldog belonging to her boyfriend, famous radio shock jock Howard Stern.
中文: 模特贝思·奥斯特拉斯基带来了男朋友的英国牛头犬比安卡,她的男朋友就是著名的电台名嘴霍华德·斯特恩。
英文: Still, that didn't stop this 2-year old English bulldog from beating out 49 others to claim top prize in the 27th annual Beautiful Bulldogcontest Monday.
中文: 4月24日,在英国举行了第27届“最美丽的斗牛犬”比赛上,英格兰斗牛犬汉纳打败49名竞争对手一举摘得桂冠。