英文: Behind him in the pale moonlight, row after row of corn shocks stand at attention in respect for a man who keeps his word.
中文: 在他身后,银灰色的月光中,一排又一排的玉米杆肃然挺立着,好像在向一位遵守了诺言的人表示敬意。
英文: Dogs from the Hope Animal Assisted Crisis Response stand at attention during a memorial service in Glen Helen, Calif. for the five firefighters who died fighting the Esperanza Fire.
中文: 在美国加州海伦峡谷举行的一次追悼活动中,动物协助危机应对组织的狗狗们立正站好,缅怀前不久在加州森林大火中丧生的5名消防员。
英文: Israelis throughout the country stopped to stand at attention for two minutes while the midmorning siren blared. Traffic halted, and most motorists stood beside their cars.
中文: 当上午十点警笛拉响时,全国所有的以色列人都站立默哀两分钟,许多驾驶员就站立在他们的汽车旁。
英文: When a Flag-hoisting ceremony is held, persons present shall face the Flag and stand at attention to salute the Flag, and the National Anthem may be played or sung while the National Flag is being hoisted.
中文: 举行升旗仪式时,在国旗升起的过程中,参加者应当面向国旗肃立致敬,并可以奏国歌或者唱国歌。