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pH value


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英文: According to the change fatty acid contest in the aging process of milled rice, and its relevance with PH value of milled rice, a new reagent to examine the freshness of milled rice wan developed.

中文: 摘要依据大米陈化过程中脂肪酸含量的变化及其与大米pH值之间的对应关系,研制出一种新的大米新鲜度快速检测试剂。        更详细...
英文: Concerning the pH values from urinalysis, the urine containing uric acid crystals had the lowest pH value (mean 5.30), and the triple phosphate crystals-containing urine had the highest pH value (mean 7.47).

中文: 至于尿液之酸硷值在含尿酸结体之尿液最低,平均为5.30;而含三重磷酸盐结晶体之尿液酸硷值最高,平均为7.47。        更详细...
英文: Fourth Experiment: Test the relation between the time of smelling the smoke and the change of the PH value of the water.

中文: 第四次实验:测量闻烟时间长短与水的PH变化关系。(操作演示)。        更详细...
英文: The study reveals that the infected soil is of high pH value and low effective iron content and the afore-said infected trees and plants suffer from a deficiency of iron for their normal growth, as the alkali soil is lack of effective iron, and the insuff

中文: 结果表明:舟山市朱家尖苗木基地红楠黄化是由于基地土壤呈碱性,致使土壤中缺少有效态铁,影响了根系对铁的吸收和铁在树体内的移动及有效性,不能满足红楠正常生长对铁的需要而引起的缺绿黄化症。        更详细...
英文: When end product burning.PH value and conductivity of insulation and sheath material should suit infra – table regulate.

中文: 成品电缆燃烧时绝缘和护套材料的PH值和电导率符合下表的规定。        更详细...

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