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*[ik'spenditʃә]\nn. 开支, 费用, 用光, 消费额\n【经】 支出, 费用, 消费

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英文: A lot of problems exist in the present system of expenditure of our country, the system of the public expenditure is not perfect enough,which has influenced the full play of the utility of the public expenditure seriously.

中文: 当前我国财政支出体系中存在很多问题,公共支出体系不够完善,严重影响了公共支出效用的发挥。        更详细...
英文: A: The district is responsible for all aspects of the project's life cycle from planning, implementing, and overseeing expenditure of grant funds to providing a detailed final report.

中文: 答:地区有责任对整个计划周期,从策划、执行及监督奖助金经费的支出,各方面都要提供一份详细的结案报告。        更详细...
英文: According to AHRQ's Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data for children under age 18, Hispanics were nearly 3 times as likely and blacks over twice as likely as whites to lack a usual source of health care.

中文: 根据AHRQ医疗费用委员会调查18岁以下,西班牙裔有近3倍,黑人有超过2倍比较白人所拥有的通常医疗资源的缺口。        更详细...
英文: Active transport The transport of molecules or ions across a cell membrane against a concentration gradient, with the expenditure of energy, usually in the form of ATP.

中文: 主动运输:伴随着能量的消耗,ATP的产生,逆着浓度梯度的分子或者离子的跨膜运输。        更详细...
英文: After analyzing the present situation of rural fund supply and demand of Huizhou, this paper believes that, although rural fund investment of Huizhou has been increasing in recent years, the absolute expenditure on agriculture of local finance department

中文: 摘要通过对惠州市农村资金投入和需求现状进行分析后认为,尽管近年来惠州市农村资金的投入力度不断加大,地方财政部门用于农业的支出绝对额持续上升,金融部门的农业信贷资金投入有了较快增长,外商投资、社会投资也有所增加,但仍难以满足全市农村经济和各项社会事业的发展对资金的旺盛需求,应当尽快采取措施改善这一状况。        更详细...

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