英文: A: Have you read the book “Da Vinci Code”?
中文: 你看了那本《达>芬奇密码》了吗?
英文: According to The New York Times, one of the best sellers of 2005 was Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code.
中文: 根据「纽约时报」,丹.布朗的「达文西密码」是2005年的最畅销的书之一。
英文: Additionally, Honeywell is providing Nine Dragons 10 Da Vinci 4000 scanners that precisely measure paper quality using a suite of online sensors.
中文: 此外,霍尼韦尔正为九龙提供10个达芬奇4000扫描仪,利用一套在线传感器,精确测量纸的质量。
英文: Among the designs left by Leonardo da Vinci almost 500 years ago—with notes written backward to be read with a mirror—were the parachute,life jacket, water pump,swim fins,Well digger,paddle-wheel boat,horseless carriage ,sprocketchain, steam gun, water tu
中文: 近500年前列奥纳多·达·芬奇留下的许多设计稿——即须通过镜子才能读懂的反着写的笔记,其中有降落伞、救生衣、水泵、游泳脚蹼、钻井机、明轮机、无马马车、扣齿链、蒸汽枪、水轮机、磨镜片机、子母弹、机关枪、飞机、直升飞机、潜水艇和成批生产的设计。
英文: “Authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh had argued that central theme of The Da Vinci Code had been copied from a book they and a third author had written 20 years earlier, called the Holly Blood and the Holy Grail.
中文: 作家迈克.B以及李查德.L声称达芬奇密码的核心章节是拷贝自他们与另一名作家20年前的作品,叫做圣血与圣杯。