英文: Abstract: This paper concerns studies on rhizobia in Symbiosis with important legume soybean and peanut crops in China, following:1) Summarized bio-diversity of rhizobia, including indigeneous population, isolation frequency, strain type, distribution, an
中文: 文摘:针对我国主要豆科作物大豆和花生的研究成果,并结合本身研究工作内容,(1)总结了与宿主共生的根瘤菌生物学多样性,包括大、小样本的土著根瘤菌群体数量、分离频率、类型与分布及其菌株―宿主共生混交性与亲和性;(2)评述了根瘤菌―宿主植物共生体双边固氮改良,包括优良菌株的选育、宿主品种资源共生特性的评价与利用及特异性状的选择;(3)讨论了我国这一类共生体资源的丰富性以及有必要进一步加大力度研究有益资源的开发和利用的问题。
英文: Because of the nitrogen fixation of legumes, even though legume forages absobed more nitrogen than grass forages, the soil nitrogen and organic matter used by legume forages were less than grass forages.
中文: 豆科牧草耗氮量虽然比禾本科牧草多,但由于豆科牧草具有固氮作用,因而对土壤全氮和有机质的消耗量却比禾本科牧草低。
英文: Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grai , particularly oats, bea and legume the fiber slows digestion, limiting ikes and dro in blood i ulin and sugar levels.
中文: 多吃蔬菜、水果和全麦制品,尤其是燕麦、大豆和豆荚;这些食物中的植物纤维可以延缓消化,减少血液中胰岛素和血糖水平的巨大起伏。
英文: Especially, drought and high salt concentration are significant factors that limit rhizobium-legume symbiosis.
中文: (2)土壤干旱和土壤高盐浓度是影响根瘤形成的重要限制因子。
英文: Functions and directions: Red wine polyphenols combining vitamin energy and legume bacteria with repairing function, is able to clean up oxygen free radical stored in skin, remove toxins, enhance immunity.
中文: 功效与使用方法:红酒多酚汇聚维生素能量以及修护功能的大豆根瘤菌,能清除肌肤蓄积的氧自由基,排除毒素,增强免疫能力。