英文: I believe setting a deadline for a withdrawal would demoralize the Iraqi people, would encourage killers across the broader Middle East, and send a signal that America will not keep its commitments.
中文: “我认为为撒军设置时间表会使伊拉克人民士气受挫,会鼓励广大中东地区的凶手恣意妄为,会给人们发出一个信号,那就是美国人民不守信用。
英文: Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.
中文: 用惊吓,恐怖,破坏,暗杀等手段削弱敌人,这才是未来的战争。
英文: Jaguar Roar: A jaguar knight can demoralize enemies with a fierce roar, as per the Jaguar Roar feat.
中文: 美洲虎之吼:美洲虎骑士能够使用气势凶猛的吼叫来打垮对手的士气,如同美洲虎之吼专长。
英文: Many Iraqis, especially Saddam supporters, believed the story of the brothers' killing was concocted by the U.S. military to demoralize opponents of their occupation of the country.
中文: 很多伊拉克人,尤其是萨达姆政权的支持者认为乌代和库赛兄弟的死亡消息是美军捏造的,美军此行目的是为了挫败那些占领伊拉克的对抗者的士气。