英文: The three new mouse lemurs were officially named in a paper published in June by the International Journal of Primatology and announced at a conservation conference on June 21, 2006 in the Malagasy capital.
中文: 在国际灵长类动物学会出版的国际性期刊6月号的一篇文章中有三种新狐猴被正式命名为鼠狐猴,以及6月21日在马达加斯加首都的一个保育大会上被宣布。
英文: Zhen Zhibin, Ben Kunlong, Tian Baoping, Zheng Yongtang. 1992 Serological survey for antibodies to simian type D retrovirus of macaque colony in China. Journal of Medical Primatology ., 21: 87-90.
中文: 陈志斌、贲昆龙、田保平、郑永唐1992中国猴群的猴D型逆转病毒抗体的血清学调查。医学灵长类学杂志,21:87-90。