英文: During her teaching in National University of Defence Technology, as one of the students' favorite teachers she also taught leading carders Strategy of Economic Development and acquired the honorable title of “excellent instructor in the education of prin
中文: 在国防科技大学工作期间,曾连续十年为厅处级领导干部讲授《经济发展战略》课程,是最受学生欢迎的老师之一,曾荣获“省级干部教育优秀教师”光荣称号,曾被评为国防科技大学“巾帼建功”标兵;另外还为系统工程专业的博士生讲授《数量经济学》课程。
英文: The management of carders' personal files is an integral pad of our national carders' archives as well as an important element of national file management.
中文: 摘要干部人事档案工作是党和国家干部人事工作不可缺少的一部分,也是国家档案工作的重要组成部分。
英文: The paper suggests that paper writing for undergraduates majoring in economy management in higher technology universities should be regarded as the carder for improving self-learning and also a process of training innovation ability after the basic univer
中文: 摘要本文提出高等工科院校经济管理类本科生毕业论文应作为提高自主学习能力的载体,应作为大学基础课程和专业课程后续的创新性能力训练过程。
英文: This paper, to solve the problems existing in the management of carders' archives, presents five suggestions: to advocate the management of files, to improve the file managing resources, to expand the range of carder's personal file collection and managem
中文: 本文针对当前干部人事档案管理工作存在的问题,提出应从做好档案宣传工作、提高档案管理人员的素质、扩大干部人事档案收集和归档的范围、注重传统方法和档案工作现代相结合、改革干部人事档案管理体制等五方面做好干部人事档案管理工作。
英文: Using the contrary examples of several cadres that have gradually changed and deteriorated starting from the acceptance of a “red envelop”, and cordially adviced each of the carders and judges not to be blinded by the emotional touch of the “red envelop”
中文: 他以一些领导干部从收受邪红包”开始逐步蜕化变质的反面事例,语重心长地告诫每位领导干部和法官,不要被“红包”的感情色彩所蒙蔽,被“糖衣炮弹”所击倒,一定要慎权、戒贪、律己、修德。