英文: Hoarseness and a mass hard in consistency over the thyrohyoid memebrane with supraglottic tumefaction led to a tentative diagnosis of supraglottic laryngeal cancer.
中文: 我们遭遇一个喉结核的病例,其独特的临床表徵极类似上喉癌。
英文: History of aspiration was present in 9 .% of children,asthmatic wheeze in 7.8%,retraction during inspiration in 0.%,cyanosis in 7.%,hoarseness in 9.% and audible stridor in .%.
中文: 9 .%有异物吸入史,喘鸣占7.8%、吸气性凹陷0.%、发绀7.%、声音嘶哑9.%、气管拍击音.%。 例(.9%)患儿病情突变,表现发绀、呼吸困难,神志不清。
英文: The common causes of hoarseness in aged were carcinoma of larynx (8 cases 8.9%), paralysis of vocal cord ( cases . %), chronic laryngitis ( 9 cases 9.0%), polyp of vocal cord ( cases .%), which occupy 8 .90% of the all cases.
中文: 喉癌8例(8.9%),声带麻痹例(. %),慢性喉炎 9例(9.0%),声带息肉 例(.%),为老年人声嘶常见种病因,占总人数的8 .90%。