英文: In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence, a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats.
中文: 在一种充满各种刺耳噪音且靶心看上去只有句号大小的体育运动中,射击选手们仍能聚精会神地专注于在每次心跳瞬间弯曲手指、扣响扳机。
英文: The Magic Brush will help the company branch out to hit the bullseye on multiple targets almost simultaneously, such as educational software, Internet destinations and merchandising, which altogether will create compelling experiences for cross-platform d
中文: 《神笔马良》会促进公司扩展业务范围,并能同时冲击多个行业,例如教育软件,网络终端和商品销售等,这些都是促使多个平台发展的宝贵经历。