英文: Increase the operational productivity for both the office and the stores through cost cutting and maximizing profits.
中文: 提高写字楼及店铺的运作效率,控制费用,提高盈利。
英文: With the development of Gaozhou people hospital development,the brand of harmonious,high quality,high efficiency,low price was insured.The poverties got high quality and low price service through cost management and medical ethic education.The brand of ha
中文: 高州市人民医院在发展过程中,确立了创建“和谐优质高效低廉”品牌医院办院方向,通过提供“三优”服务、建立成本低收费廉的高效运行机制、加强行风建设,提高创建和谐医院品牌影响力,使比较贫困患者享受到优质实惠的医疗服务,医院得到健康发展,获得殊荣。