英文: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wants to redeploy these troops to facilities located along what some military strategists refer to as lily pads- small, flexible military operating locations, stretching from Southeast Asia to West Africa.
中文: 某些军事战略家把从东南亚延伸到西非的小型、灵活的军事基地称为“睡莲漂叶”,而国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德就是想在这些基地沿线的设施上重新部署这些军队。
英文: In today's service economies, most assets would be intangible – such as the group accountants refer to as the “assembled work force”, assets that famously ride up and down in elevators every day.
中文: 在当今的服务型经济中,大多数资产将是无形资产,例如那些被会南尔为“集合劳动力”的人们,也就是每天乘搭电梯上上下下的“资产”。
英文: This evening, I was sat in the office, taking advantage of yet another wonderful opportunity to remain at work until 10pm – ah, the joys of transatlantic clients – when I had what alcoholics may refer to as a “moment of clarity”.
中文: 傍晚,我独自坐在办公室里,今晚要工作到10点,但没关系,我正沉浸在一个美妙的意境之中,就如同醉酒的人所说的“宁静的陶醉”。
英文: This is what most scientists refer to as “cloning”.
中文: 刺激科学家们所说的“克隆”。
英文: Who are these space beings we sometimes refer to as the Dark T-Shirts?
中文: 这些太空存在是我们有时指的黑衣人?