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decision making

【计】 决策, 判定\n【化】 决策

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英文: A decentralized organization is one in which decision making is not confined to a few top executives but rather is spread: throughout the organization, with managers at various levels making key operating decisions relating to their sphere of re-sponsibil

中文: 所谓分权制组织,即其内部的决策并不局限于少数高层管理者,而是扩展到企业内的各个层次,各级管理人员都在其责任范围内作出重要的经营决策。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Profit Portion estimation for the mechanization in plant produ cts ind ustry is useful to understand the development level, potential, trend of agricul tural mechanization for government decision making and it is also an answer to h ow to estima

中文: 文摘:测算农业机械化对农业生产的贡献率,实践上有助于从总体上把握农业机械化的发展水平、发展潜力和趋势,对农业机械化事业的决策具有重要的参考价值;理论上研究产业系统单因素的贡献率具有学术意义。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Profit estimation for the mechanization in agricultural indust ry is useful to understand the development level, potential, trend of agricult ural mec hanization for government decision making and it is also an answer to how to est imate the sin

中文: 文摘:测算农业机械化对农业生产的贡献份额,实践上有助于从总体上把握农业机械化的发展水平、发展潜力和趋势,对农业机械化事业的决策具有重要的参考价值;理论上研究产业系统单因素的贡献率具有学术意义。        更详细...
英文: Advanced Seminar in Real Estate: Strategic decision making in real estate, covering issues of asset management, portfolio strategy, recapitalization, securitization, property development and management of real estate businesses.

中文: 房地产高级研讨会:如何制定策略,包括资产评估,投资策略、资本结构调整、安全策略、资产增值和房地产管理。        更详细...
英文: Bellman, R., and L. A. Zadeh, “Decision making in a fuzzy environment”, Management Science, 17B(4), pp. 141-164 (1970).

中文: 褚先忠,「语意环境下制造弹性评估之研究」,台湾科技大学工业管理系博士论文(2002)。        更详细...

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