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water vapor

水汽\n【化】 水汽

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英文: According to the regional distribution of the water vapor content and the section plane along the sounding site from East-West and South-North, there is biggish difference in the spatial distribution of the water vapor content.

中文: 从绿洲上空水汽含量区域分布及沿着探空站南北向和东西向剖面看,水汽含量在空间分布上存在较大差异。        更详细...
英文: BECAUSE A HURRICANE draws much of its energy from heat released when water vapor over the ocean condenses into clouds and rain, the first researchers to dream of taming these unruly giants focused on trying to alter the condensation process using cloud-se

中文: 由于飓风大部份的能量,来自海面上水气凝结成云雨时释放的潜热,因此希望驯服这个顽强巨人的先驱研究人员,便专注于利用人造雨技术来改变凝结的过程,这也是当时要影响天气现象唯一可行的方法。        更详细...
英文: Barman noted that a Jupiter-like gaseous planet such as this one, as opposed to a rocky one like Earth, is highly unlikely to harbor life, and said the finding about water vapor in its atmosphere does not answer one way or another questions about the exis

中文: 科学家们一直在寻找外太空的生命迹象,非常想弄清别的行星上是否有水存在,不管是在太阳系或其他星系,水被认为是生命存在的基础。        更详细...
英文: Being ext remely light , water vapor often riseshigh in the sky.

中文: 由于水蒸气较轻,所以常常升入高空。        更详细...
英文: At present, the formulae for calculating saturated water vapor pressure are more, and skimble-scam-ble.

中文: 目前计算饱和水汽压的公式比较多,并且各单位使用的没有统一。        更详细...

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