英文: Situated in the mountains of northern Honshu, this trackless site includes the last virgin remains of the cool-temperate forest of Siebold's beech trees that once covered the hills and mountain slopes of northern Japan.
中文: 白神山地位于北本州的群山中,该地区人迹罕至,保留了最后一个未被开发的寒带西博尔德毛榉树森林遗迹,西博尔德毛榉树曾经分布很广,几乎覆盖日本北部的所有丘陵和山坡。
英文: The result shows that the central boundary between boreal forest and temperate forest lies along the line of 8° 0′ N, from °~ 0° E, extending 0′ in both north and south.
中文: 果表明 ,寒温带针叶林与温带针阔混交林的边缘大致位于 8° 0′N ,南北浮动 0′, °~ 0°E之间 ,行政区划上属于北安_乌伊岭_嘉荫一线 ,基本是沿小兴安岭山体的北缘。