英文: How many people are contesting this seat on the town council?
中文: 有多少人正在角逐市议会的这个席位?
英文: The conception that holds to be true the existence of eco-theory is its basic philosophical back-up and cultural support; the theory that valorizes the play is its aesthetic category which breaks through the Heidegerian doctrine of the world contesting ag
中文: “生态论的存在观”是其基本的哲学支撑与文化立场;“四方游戏说”是其主要美学范畴,是海德格尔对“世界与大地争执”理论的突破;“诗意地栖居”与“技术地栖居”相对,将审美引向人的审美地生存;“家园意识”针对现代社会人的茫然之感,具有本源性特点;“场所意识”则与人的具体生活环境及对其感受息息相关;“参与美学”反映了生态美学以主体所有感受力参与审美建构的特点;“生态批评”是生态美学观的实践形态。
英文: The purpose that Olympics moves is to make athletic sports be that human being's harmonious development serves, to improve human being dignity; Unite the spirit contesting with fairness with friendship,mutuality between promoting youth understands , is co
中文: 奥林匹克运动的宗旨是使体育运动为人类的和谐发展服务,以提高人类尊严;以友谊、团结和公平竞赛的精神,促进青年之间的相互理解,从而有助于建立一个更加美好的和平的世界;使世界运动员在每4年一次的盛大的体育节日—奥林匹克运动会中聚会在一起。
英文: This is I gave in 1999 DS company in Guangzhou design of the publicity poster of the TSI99 softwares, is what school did by contesting a form at that time, I got one etc. prize, the cash award was too little, so the quantity forgot completely, felling sti
中文: 这是我1999年给广州德赛公司设计的TSI99软件的宣传海报,当时是学校以竞赛形式做的,我得了个一等奖,奖金太少了,所以数额完全忘记了,感觉还是不错的,比起中学时候曾经参加的跨栏比赛连一上场就被淘汰的感觉好当然是好多了。
英文: Though derided by many as an opportunist—she left the Conservatives two years ago after unsuccessfully contesting the party leadership—Ms Stronach attracted attention, money and votes to a party in need of all three.
中文: 尽管曾被很多人嘲笑为机会主义者——在两年前争夺党魁失败后她离开了保守党——施庄娜夫人为政党吸引了关注、金钱和选票,而这三者对政党来说则缺一不可。