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utilization ratio

【经】 利用率, 利用系数

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英文: Abstract: In accordance with the current thermotechnical behaviors of domestic tunnel kilns using different firing fuels,such as thermal utilization ratio and energy consumption per kilogram of porcelain,the influence of various firing fuels properties an

中文: 文摘:从国内现有使用不同燃料的陶瓷隧道窑的热能利用率、千克瓷能耗等热工性能的现状,分析了各种燃料的燃烧性能及不同的燃烧系统设置对窑炉热工性能的影响,认为洁净的气体燃料和轻油是生产高档产品的优质燃料。        更详细...
英文: Aim: To improve the medical researchers' discriminative analysis of misu sed common statistics and the correct utilization ratio of statistics.

中文: 目的:帮助医学研究工作者提高对常见统计应用错误的识别能力,提高对统计学的正确利用率。        更详细...
英文: Client enterprises can save costs and reduce capital overstock.. As a professional third-party logistics service provider, Xinhe Logistics Co., Ltd. has improved the utilization ratio in each logistics link to save costs because of is advantages in both l

中文: 客户企业能够节省费用,减少资本积压,信禾物流作为专业的第三方物流服务提供者,利用规模运作优势和成本优势,通过提高物流各环节能力的利用率节省费用,使企业能从分离费用结构中获益。        更详细...
英文: This paper does not view the management pattern in the same light that the utilization ratio of periodicals can be enhanced by circulation of periodicals and makes a consideration that the only approach to increase the utilization ratio is to make a much

中文: 摘要本文对运用“期刊流通”以提高期刊利用率的管理模式提出了不同的看法,认为只有加大电子期刊的使用力度以及强化期刊的阅览工作,才能真正提高期刊的利用率。        更详细...
英文: This paper proposed consult ideas about how to increase the pehtze production rate and improve the protein utilization ratio of raw materials.

中文: 就如何提高原料蛋白质利用率及白坯出坯率提出了参考意见。        更详细...

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