英文: A Japanese woman has been sentenced to four years in prison for beating her husband to death with a frying pan after he confessed to having an affair, domestic media reported on Tuesday.
中文: 日本媒体周二竞相报道,横滨的一名主妇被判4年徒刑,罪状是她用平底锅把其夫殴至死亡。
英文: Heat up a frying pan with a tablespoon of oil, pour in the beaten eggs and pan fry over the low heat until lightly golden in both sides. Dish off.
中文: 另热油1大勺爆香姜蒜末,倒入黑木耳及调料炒匀。然后用淀粉水收汁。淋在煎蛋上,洒上葱花即可。
英文: Heat up a shallow frying pan with a little oil. Pan-fry until golden brown on both sides.
中文: 小火烧热平底锅,入少许油,放入饼胚烙成两面金黄色即可。
英文: It should be fairly obvious that I cooked an omelette in a frying pan rather than in a wood stove, but it bothers me to make the same mistakes over and over again.
中文: 很明显,我是在我的煎锅中不是在木炉中做我的煎蛋的,可是一再地犯同样的错误让我心烦意乱。
英文: Many kids who run away from unhappy homes discover they've jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
中文: 很多小孩子从不快乐的家庭逃出来,才发现之自己是才出狼窝又进虎口。