英文: 1988 Socioeconomic Adaptation and Ethnicity Evolution of the Chinese in Washington, D. C. Area. Ph. D. Dissertation. The American University.
中文: 1973泰雅族经济变迁与调适的研究:平静与望洋的例子。台湾大学考古人类学研究所硕士论文。
英文: Although the identities of state, polity and ethnicity have their different border, they contact closely under the condition of the nation whole benefit exceeds individual.
中文: 这种变化主要表现在他们国籍选择上,国籍选定成为港澳居民国家认同和政治认同的重要标志。
英文: Conclusion: When mothers and obstetricians make medical decisions, non-medical factors such as ethnicity may not directly influence the selection of delivery mode.
中文: 结论:我国产妇及医师在决定采用剖腹产时受国籍别等非医疗因素干扰不大。
英文: Constable, Nicole 1994 History and Construction of Hakka Identity, in Chen Chung-min, Chuang Ying-chang &Huang Shu-min eds., Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives.
中文: 黄光国2002〈从社会心理的角度看儒家文化传统的内在结构〉,刊于《传统中华文化与现代价值的激荡与调融》,黄俊杰编,页135-174。
英文: In order to deal with the crisis, the Jing people in Hai village have to reutilize unsubstitutability of blood relationship to restructure their ethnicity acknowledgement, and rejuvenate the traditional culture of Jing based on this and strengthen ethnici
中文: 为了应对这种危机,海村京族人不得不重新利用血缘关系的不可替代性来重新构建其族群认同,并以此为基础复兴京族传统文化,强化族群成员的族群意识。