英文: When readers or listeners come across these tired expressions, they start tuning out and completely miss the message - assuming there is one,said Plain English Campaign spokesman John Lister.
中文: 英国简明英语组织的发言人约翰·李斯特说:“当读者或听众遇到这些令人厌烦的措辞时,他们会开始转移注意力,结果完全漏掉要点——假如有要点的话。”
英文: 1 Shipowner means the owner of the ship or another organization or person, such as the manager, agent or bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the ship from the owner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agre
中文: 1“船东”系指船舶所有人或从船舶所有人那里承担了船舶经营责任并在承担这种责任时已同意接受船东根据本公约所承担的职责和责任的另一组织或个人,如管理人、代理或光船承租人,无论是否有其它组织或个人代表船东履行了某些职责或责任。
英文: A legal person, other organization or a citizen capable of assuming debts may act as a surety.
中文: 第七条具有代为清偿债务能力的法人、其他组织或者公民,可以作保证人。
英文: ASSUMING OUR long-term studies confirm that inhibiting metabolism can retard aging, the task becomes finding other substances that yield 2DG's benefits but are safer over a broader range of doses and delivery schedules.
中文: 若是我们的长期研究确认了抑制代谢可以延缓老化,那麽剩下的工作就是找出其他既有2DG的好处,又有够大安全使用範围及投药时程的物质。
英文: All of this transforms the previously benign, all-knowing being into a chaotic mixture of reaction-based judgemental complexes, promoting psychological projection (instead of assuming personal responsibility for one's actions) and synthetic cultural reali
中文: 所有这些将原先仁慈的、无所不知的存在转变为一个无秩序的反应的混合,它基于综合判断、促使心理投射(而不是承担个人行动的责任)和综合文化的现实,而排除所有其文化。