英文: At the same time the application of information science theory also stimulates the development of knowledge management.
中文: 同时,情报学理论的应用也刺激了知识管理内涵的发展。
英文: Cawkell, A. E. (1996). Informatics. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), International encyclopedia of library and information science (pp.176-184). New York: Marcel Dekker.
中文: 林巧敏(民84)。德国的图书馆。在图书馆学与资讯科学大辞典(下册,页2205)。台北市﹕汉美。
英文: I sincerely hope that the students in the field of library and information science can hold the enthusiasm towards the development of libraries which are facilitated with unique characteristics and traditions, and that students can also reestablish the tr
中文: 诚挚希望图书资讯相关学系的学生,能够继续秉持关怀社会的心,凝聚共识;形成具有特色传统,重现先贤创立图书馆的本意,发扬图书馆缩短资讯差距的本质。
英文: In the afternoon of May 12, 2005, Advanced Technology Center visited SUN YAT-SEN University, and exchanged information and opinions with the students about their practicing in the council-chamber of School of Information Science &Technology.
中文: 2005年5月12日下午,微软亚洲工程院访问中山大学,并于信科院会议室和我校学生就实习等相关问题交流了信息和意见,座谈会取得了圆满成功。
英文: N. British Library Information Science Service,in The Library Association Yearbook 1995 (London: Library Association, 1995), 18.
中文: 顾力仁,「国家典藏数位化计画」,在中华民国八十九年图书馆年鑑(台北市:国家图书馆,2000),页70。