英文: A Walt Disney Co. executive offered an all-expense-paid trip to Disneyland in California. Autrey said Trump was going to give him a check for $10,000 after the news conference.
中文: 迪士尼一位主管决定招待他全程免费游加州迪士尼乐园。欧特里说,川普在记者会后给他一张一万美元的支票。
英文: A series of plays in games of the whist family in which partnership hands alternately trump suits led by the other partner.
中文: 交叉吃张惠斯特牌类比赛中由搭档交替用王牌吃进由同伴领出的花色牌的一系列打法
英文: Along with United Russia, the blindly loyal majority block, the next Duma will most likely have a Communist rump and the Liberal Democrats: a largely comical faux-nationalist outfit also loyal to the Kremlin.
中文: 下届杜马里除了始终岿然不动的多数党、愚忠的“统一俄罗斯”外,前来分一杯羹的恐怕还有共产党残余和俄罗斯民主党:他们大多滑稽可笑、操着一口出格的民族主义论调、且同样忠于克林姆林宫,其作用形同鸡肋。
英文: An unstoppable trump card with enough power to bring order to the world.
中文: 一张所向披靡的王牌将命令这个世界.
英文: “YOU have been sat here too long for any good you have been doing,” Oliver Cromwell famously declared, as he dissolved the Rump Parliament in 1653.
中文: 你们为了任何一个已经得到的好处,已经坐这里太长时间,著名的奥利佛·克伦威尔,他在1653年解散(英国)尾闾议会时声明。