英文: Change of Writing Style in Association with Changes of Timeswas a summary of literature for all times, Adaptability of literature to the trend of the timesrevealed that political preaching, social tendency and ruler's preference exerted influence on liter
中文: 摘要《文心雕龙?时序》的“质文代变”和“文变染乎世情”是刘勰在共时性框架下的对于历代文学的总结,“崇替在选”揭示了政治教化、社会风尚和统治者好恶对于文学的影响,反映出刘勰的文学史的线索观是完全的他律论模式,并以经典作为主要的文学史的价值评判标准。
英文: All the headlines confused me and the writing style of the articles was very different from that of what we usually read.
中文: 所有的标题把我弄得头昏脑胀,这些文章的写作体裁又与我们平时所念的迥然不同。
英文: And when we combined three ideas for improved writing style into a single site, the result was truly stellar: 124% better usability .
中文: 当我们把三种写作风格用在一个网站上之后,可用性提高了124%。
英文: HE Jing-zhi combines the writing style of revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism in his seventy-year poem composition, but he relatively prefers the later.
中文: 摘要在贺敬之近七十年的创作道路上,革命现实主义和革命浪漫主义大体表现出结合状态,就整体而言,更多地倾向于革命浪漫主义。
英文: His literature choice, which made him to pay attention to farmer's actual benefit while he maintained the CPC's standpoint, is different from his praising writing style after the year 1949.
中文: 赵树理的文学选择与建国后的“颂歌式”文学不同,他在维护“党的立场”的同时,更关注农民的实际利益。