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自己, 自我, 本性, 本质, 私心, 本人

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英文: ) cover, so most gerontologists (who are rightly skeptical of what I say initially, and who lack enough time to read the experimental work that I cite in my papers and thereby satisfy themselves that I may have a point) don't know the relevant facts.

中文: ,所以大多数老年学家并不知道有关的事实(他们直截了当地怀疑我开头所说的,他们又没有时间去阅读在我的论文中所列举的实验工作,因此认为“我可能掌握了要点”)。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] And the Lord said to Moses, Now you are going to rest with your fathers; and this people will be false to me, uniting themselves to the strange gods of the land where they are going; they will be turned away from me and will not keep the agreement I

中文: 耶和华又对摩西说、你必和你列祖同睡.这百姓要起来、在他们所要去的地上、在那地的人中、随从外邦神行邪淫、离弃我、违背我与他们所立的约。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] And the Lord will send a hornet among them, till all the rest who have kept themselves safe from you in secret places have been cut off.

中文: 并且耶和华你神必打发黄蜂、飞到他们中间、直到那剩下而藏躲的人、从你面前灭亡。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] And their eyes were open and they were conscious that they had no clothing and they made themselves coats of leaves stitched together.

中文: 他们二人的眼睛就明亮了,才知道自己是赤身露体,便拿无花果树的叶子,为自己编作裙子。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] And they got their brothers together and made themselves holy, and went in, as the king had said by the word of the Lord, to make the house of the Lord clean.

中文: 起来聚集他们的弟兄,洁净自己,照著王的吩咐、耶和华的命令,进去洁净耶和华的殿。        更详细...

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