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go along with

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英文: When we look at things that we think would go along with being physically active and fit, like pulse rate and obesity levels, they don't show any relationship with housework,Ebrahim, whose research is reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community

中文: 易卜拉欣博士的研究结果发表在《流行病学和公共健康》杂志上,他解释说,我们通常会将脉率和肥胖程度作为一个人的健康标准,但是家务劳动和改善这两项健康指标的状况没什么关系。        更详细...
英文: And when friends come over, or if you want to relax, you can choose a scene to go along with the light-green vines, white clouds and babbling brooks which change with the light source, appearing on the ceiling or floor.

中文: 甚至当朋友来访,或想独处、放松时,还能选择搭配灯光的「布景」--绿色藤蔓、蓝天白云、潺潺流水将随著光源转换,出现在天花板或地板上。        更详细...
英文: Angela,a striptease artist, wants to have a baby and tries to persuade her boyfriend Emile to go along with the idea.

中文: 脱衣舞娘安吉拉想要一个孩子,于是她想说服她的男友以实现她的想法。        更详细...
英文: But when it comes to removing withdrawal language, Pelosi and other Democratic leaders may again face opposition from left wing members who had earlier been pressured to go along with stating only a goal of removing most combat troops by April of next yea

中文: 但当涉及到删除撒军时间表时,P和其它民主党领导再度而临着来自左翼成员的反对,他们曾在早些时候被迫附和着称要在明年四月前撒回大部分军队。        更详细...
英文: By his death—from thyroid cancer, through which he was still working—four other members of the nine-member court were prepared, usually, to go along with his opinions.

中文: 到他去世--由于甲状腺癌,那时他仍然在工作--9名成员组成的法庭中的4个其他成员准备继续继承他的主张。        更详细...

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