英文: More than ever before we now live in a truly multicultural, global society. The International Campus recognises this and equips its students for all that it demands.
中文: 人类社会从未象今天这样的文化多元化和全球化,基于这点认识,中国校区将给学生提供顺应社会发展的、世界一流的教育。
英文: 1 It is 3 A.M. .Everything on the university campus seems ghostlike in the quiet ,misty darkness——everything except the computer center.
中文: 现在是凌晨3点。漆黑的校园里到处都弥漫着薄雾,寂静得让人觉得恐怖,只有那计算机中心发出一点光亮。
英文: A bell on the Virginia Tech campus tolled 32 times for each of the shooting victims in last week's massacre.
中文: 弗吉尼亚工业大学的大钟共敲了32次,为上个星期在这里被枪击身亡的每个人敲了一次。
英文: A bell on the Virginia Tech campus tolled 32 times for each of the shooting victims in last week′s massacre.
中文: 弗吉尼亚工学院的钟敲响32下,以悼念上周校园血案中的每一位死难者。
英文: A carbon monoxide leak at an apartment building off-campus sent 19 students to the hospital.
中文: 学校外的一幢建筑发生一氧化碳泄露,造成19名学生中毒入院治疗。