英文: Akkadian was written with the cuneiform writing system, on clay tablets, and was in use from the beginning to about 750 B.C.
中文: 阿卡德语被作为书写在粘土板上的楔形文字,从最初一直被使用到公元前750年。
英文: Cuneiform tablets from 1600 B.C. showed that the Babylonians feared the world was already too full of people.
中文: 公元前1600年遗留的楔形文字泥板,就记载著巴比伦人对于世界已经人满为患的忧虑。
英文: In the light of all kinds of structural faces and their assembles along tunnel, the place and growth depth of instable cuneiform body in tunnel wall rock could be predicted, then its volume and weight of instable cuneiform body are estimated based on the
中文: 摘要利用赤平投影法和实体比例几何法分析隧洞围岩稳定性,根据隧洞沿线所遇结构面相互组合形式,预测隧洞围岩不稳定楔形体的位置及其发育深度,从而估算不稳定楔形岩块的体积和重量,为设计相应的支护措施提供可靠的地质依据。
英文: They included ancient stone carvings of bulls and kings and princesses; copper shoes and cuneiform tablets; tapestry fragments and ivory figurines of goddesses and women and Nubian porters; friezes of soldiers and ancient seals and tablets on geometry; an
中文: 它们包括那些雕刻着公牛,国王,公主画面的古代石头;黄铜作的鞋子,留有楔形文字的石板,织锦的残片和用象牙雕成的女神像,妇女像和努比亚守门人像;士兵的饰带,古代章印,关于几何学的石板;陶罐,瓮,木球,所有这些都至少有2000年历史,有些东西的历史超过了5000年。