英文: 10 Many Chinese characters are pictographs, often the meaning of a particular character is apparent in the pictorial form of the character.
中文: 10许多汉字属象形文字,人们常可从字的形状揣知其义。
英文: A level of pictorial accuracy that borders on, but does not become, photo-realism is blended with a strong sense of color and the ability to capture personality and emotion that evokes the great portrait masters of the past.
中文: 近乎照片写实主义的生动逼真,混合着强烈的色彩感和他掌握个性与情感的卓越能力,这些都是造就历代人像画大师的特质。
英文: A literary, dramatic, or pictorial device in which characters and events stand for abstract ideas, principles, or forces, so that the literal sense has or suggests a parallel, deeper symbolic sense.
中文: 寓言,讽喻一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力,从而使表面含义含有或表达一种对等的,但更深刻的象征意义
英文: A low-speed input device that converts graphic and pictorial data into binary, numeric inputs for a digital computer.
中文: 一种低速输入设备,它将图形和图象数据转换成用于数字计算机的二进制数值输入。
英文: A pictorial representation of numerical data or relationships, especially a graph, but having each value represented by a proportional number of pictures.
中文: 统计图表,象形图用图画表现数字的信息或关系,尤指图表,但用有比例的一定数字的图画来代表每种价值