英文: As soon as we finished, it is almost noon, so we lost no time to put a lunch box in a pot of hot water to cook.
中文: 俩人忙忙叨叨的把货什么的都卸完了,我一看时间,都快中午了,赶紧把带来的饭盒放在一盆热水里给热上。
英文: Fig6. Leave your briefcase far away from your lunch box in case your client in the afternoon has an extra-sharp nose.
中文: 图六:如果你就在办公室里吃午饭,把包拿开些,不要让你下午见的客户一下子就闻出来你中午吃了什么。
英文: NO matter whether you eat your lunch in a cafeteria or buy a lunch box from a small restaurant, you will be familiar with takeaway white lunch boxes.
中文: 小小的一次性餐盒有可能给你带来很大的危害!还是自带的餐具放心。
英文: Or finding little ways to express love, such as leaving a note in a lunch box or briefcase.
中文: 或者想出一些表示爱的小点子,比如在午饭盒里或是公文包里留个条子等。
英文: She brings her lunch box to school every day and eats fruit after lunch.
中文: 她每天带饭盒到学校吃,饭后吃点水果。