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hidden danger

【法】 隐患

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英文: Abstract: By analyzing the method for evaluating the hidden danger in explosive factories,based on the essential framework of self-learning of machine,the process of implement the self-learning program with rote learning of such evaluation is discussed in

中文: 文摘:通过对火炸药工厂重大事故隐患危险性评估方法的分析,以计算机自学习的基本结构为主线,详细探讨了以机械学习策略完成该评估程序中对新危险品源自学习的过程。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: The reasons of understanding unclear to unsafe hidden danger in one's enterprise are pointed out and method and step doing hidden danger evaluation well are put forward.

中文: 文摘:指出了本企业对不安全隐患认识不清的原因,提出了做好隐患评估的方法与步骤。        更详细...
英文: Another hidden danger is the weakening of the impervious ability of the dam resulting from the closeness of the height of line seepage of the reservoir water level to the contact plane between the residual solum, talus solum and basement rocks.

中文: 水库水位浸润线标高和残坡积土与基岩接触界面标高较接近,而使此高程的防渗能力更加薄弱,这也是此坝体的隐患之一。        更详细...
英文: Article 135 Where the facilities for operational safety of a factory, mine, three farm, construction enterprise or any other enterprise or institution do not meet State requirements and no measures are taken to remove the hidden danger of accident after t

中文: 第一百三十五条工厂、矿山、林场、建筑企业或者其他企业、事业单位的劳动安全设施不符合国家规定,经有关部门或者单位职工提出后,对事故隐患仍不采取措施,因而发生重大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的,对直接责任人员,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;情节特别恶劣的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。        更详细...
英文: Article 25 Public security fire control institutions, when finding out hidden fire danger, shall inform relevant units or individuals in time to take measures and order to remove the hidden danger within a time limit.

中文: 第二十五条公安消防机构发现火灾隐患,应当及时通知有关单位或者个人采取措施,限时消除隐患。        更详细...

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