英文: Aberdeen instructors will teach you the game on eggs : do haired, sweet-smelling and heart-school fried-egg-oh, learn to eat a fried-you can have a bit!
中文: 游戏介绍:鸡蛋仔师傅教你做黄澄澄、香喷喷的煎蛋~要用心学哦,学好了煎给大家吃~看你能得几分呢!
英文: Distribution: Tai Tam and Ma On Shan. There were previous records (1906-1930) from Mount Cameron and Aberdeen of Hong Kong Island. W Guangdong and E Guangxi.
中文: 地理分布:大潭、马鞍山。金马伦山及香港仔曾有记录。广东封开及广西梧州亦有分布。
英文: JK Rowling, president of the Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland, was today presented with a Doctorate of Laws by Aberdeen University for her generous and philanthropic work aiding Multiple Sclerosis research.
中文: 苏格兰多发性硬化研究中心的会长JK罗琳,因为以慷慨而博爱的工作帮助多发性硬化的研究,今天获得了阿伯丁大学授予的荣誉博士头衔。
英文: The Cross-Harbour Tunnel heading to Hong Kong Island and the Wan Chai-bound lane of the Aberdeen Tunnel were also sealed off.
中文: 红磡海底隧道往港岛方向的管道及香港仔隧道往湾仔方向的管道都已封闭。
英文: The most ancient four universities in Scotland, St Andrews University, Glasgow University, Aberdeen University and Edinburgh University, became an important landmark during the development process of modern universities.
中文: 圣安德鲁斯大学、格拉斯哥大学、阿伯丁大学和爱丁堡大学这四所苏格兰最古老的大学,成为近代大学发展过程中的一个重要里程碑。