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*[sә,kʌmfә'renʃәl]\na. 圆周的\n【医】 周缘的, 环状面的

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英文: Abstract: Through extending the wear plate at the saddle and using the flexible saddle, the circumferential peak stress at the joint of the shell and the saddle can be decreased efficiently.

中文: 文摘:本文介绍通过鞍座上垫板的伸出和采用柔性鞍座,即能有效地降低鞍座边角处的环向峰值应力。        更详细...
英文: Although paleontologists had known for many years that the bones of dinosaurs contain growth lines, something like the circumferential growth rings we see in trees, it was only in the second half of the 20th century that they began to use these growth lin

中文: 虽然早在许多年前,古生物学家就已经知道,恐龙骨骼里有著类似树木年轮的生长线;但直到20世纪后半,生长线及骨骼中的其他结构,才被用来研究这些已灭绝动物的生长情形。        更详细...
英文: At the basis of analyzing different boundary tracking algorithms, boundary point estimate algorithm based on angle and boundary point searching algorithm based on circumferential neighborhood extending were advanced to avoid tracking trap and to improve t

中文: 通过分析不同算法的特点,提出了基于已知点夹角的边界点预估计算法和基于圆弧邻域扩展的边界点搜索算法,以避免跟踪进入搜索陷阱,提高边界跟踪对边界变化的鲁棒性。        更详细...
英文: Based on the numerical simulation for the large-diameter cylinder pile's 3D-Circumferential flow under wave-flow co-function b using FVM, this paper analyzes the complicated 3D-torrent near the large-diameter cylinder pile, and gives the 3D-flow distribut

中文: 摘要通过应用有限体积法对在波流共同作用下大直径圆柱绕流现象进行三维数值模拟,对圆柱体局部复杂流动进行了三维湍流计算分析,给出了三维流场、圆柱体表面及其所在局部底床床面应力分布,并在此基础上对圆柱体所在底床的局部冲刷进行了初步分析。        更详细...
英文: By analyzing the amplitude error due to the nonuniformity in the hemispherical resonator circumferential direction, the mathematical model of measuring angle error is deduced and the way by using software program to compensate the measuring angle error is

中文: 分析了谐振子环向不对称造成的振幅误差,并建立了由此引起的测角误差的数学模型,讨论了由软件算法来补偿侧角误差的方法。        更详细...

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