英文: Accidentally overhearing someone say sth nice about you.
中文: 无意中听有人在说你好话.
英文: Although Harry could have learned about the Philosopher's Stone and Nicolas Flamel by overhearing Snape and Quirrell in the Forbidden Forest (PS13), how else would Harry have discovered how to get past Fluffy?
中文: 虽然哈利可以通过在禁林中偷听斯内普和奇洛交谈,来了解魔法石和尼可·勒梅(PS13),但是哈利还有什么别的办法来发现如何通过路威呢?
英文: And as with digital cellular, the talk and standby time are longer than analog, and the risk of someone overhearing your conversation or swiping your phone number is lower.
中文: 数字移动电话的通话时间、待机时间都比模拟机长;电话被窃听、被盗用的风险要低一些。
英文: But Jesus, overhearing the word spoken, said to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not be afraid -- only believe.
中文: 36耶稣从旁听见所说的话,就对管会堂的说,不要怕,只要信!
英文: But Jesus, overhearing what was being spoken, said to the synagogue official, Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.
中文: 可5:36耶稣听见所说的话、就对管会堂的说、不要怕.只要信。