英文: For the most part, and on the outside, I was a good kid, a giggly tomboy who liked to play sports and who was good at competITion.
中文: 多数时候,从表面上看,我是个好孩子,一个嘻嘻哈哈的假小子,喜欢体育运动,比赛常拿名次。
英文: Meet the most powerful economic force in the retail marketplace. ( “These are sorta nerdy. ”) The 16)giggly girls at the sale rack.
中文: 他们是零售业市场上最强大的经济动力。(”有点怪怪的。”)看看这些在折价货架旁乐滋滋的女孩吧。
英文: Shy and sweet, this little chipmunk's trademark is her bubbly personality and giggly attitude. You'll want to squeeze her to death!
中文: 害羞的小甜心;这只小花栗鼠的招牌特征就是她的天真快乐和爱傻笑的个性,可爱到让你真想把她捏死!