英文: British Victorian Urinals had various targets to aim for, some literally being a target like on an archery range.
中文: 英国维多利亚女王时代的便池中有多种多样的用于瞄准的目标,有一些差不多就像射箭场的靶子。
英文: Palm Beach Atlantic University‘s blue newsletters, called Stall Talk, now hang above urinals and on stall doors in most campus restrooms.
中文: 这所名为棕榈海滩大西洋的大学在校园大部分的卫生间便池上方和门上悬挂了这种名为《StallTalk》的蓝色时事资讯手册。
英文: Sports pages are placed on the wall over urinals in some restaurant restrooms, ESPN Zone in New York City has television sets tuned to sports inside its 15 restroom stalls, and the John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan, Wis., has turned its six res
中文: 黄温泉村有人口3700名,走在村中街道上,人们似乎又回到了上世纪60年代,村民穿的是扎染的服装或是一身嬉皮士打扮出现在街头,街边散布着许多艺术品手工作坊。