英文: A catalog which has been disabledin this way can of course still be switched on manually by clicking its check box in the catalog dialog.
中文: 当然,单击对话框中该星表的复选框可以再次手动打开一个用这个方法禁用的星表。
英文: A few far out sites make it so difficult to know what they do that the user ends up clicking on anything and everything like a blindfolded pilot who can』t find the target.
中文: 少数较为前卫的网站使得了解它们究竟在做什么变得极为困难的,以至于用户最后只能像一个被蒙上眼睛的飞行员找不到目标那样,胡乱点击所有的东西。
英文: A form can be submitted by clicking on a button or when a user changes the value in the TextBox control.
中文: 一张表单可通过点击按钮或是当用户改变文本框的内容时进行提交。
英文: A normal GTK+-based text entry widget will provide an “Input Methods” context menu that can be opened by right clicking within the text area.
中文: 标准的基于GTK+的文本输入框组件会提供一个“输入方法”的上下文菜单,可通过在文本区点击鼠标右键打开。
英文: A simple form that you can move by clicking the mouse pointer anywhere on the form. Very useful for programs that you want to have a skin.
中文: 一个简单的表格,你可以在表格中的任何地方点击鼠标来移动。如果你想要个“皮肤”,它将会是个非常有用的程序。