英文: Proving Lagrange theorem mean through the introduction of auxiliary function, this article puts forword the methods of building auxiliary function by the mathematical operations and two functions compound operation; this is a method building all elementar
中文: 摘要文章给出了用四则运算以及两个函数的复合运算构造辅助函数来证明拉格朗日中值定理的方法,这也是用基本初等函数构造全部初等函数的方法,因而比较圆满地解决了辅助函数构造问题。
英文: The structure method of auxiliary function is very important in solving questions about middle value theorem in differential calculus.
中文: 摘要构造辅助函数法是解决有关微分中值问题的一种重要数学方法。