英文: If you go to the police or Road Safety New Zealand you'll find the stereotypes about Asian drivers do not stack up.
中文: 其实,如果你到警察局去或到公路局看,就会知道那完全不符合事实。
英文: One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics. These are people who can't get elected themselves but keep bothering elected public officials with unneeded advice.
中文: 这人说:“要说指手画脚的人,在政界人士中你可以找到好多。这些人自己竞选失败,没能当选,可是老是不断地给当选的官员提供那些没有必要的意见。”
英文: The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. All the drivers are ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart.
中文: 这个人说:“今年规模最大的一次汽车比赛快要开始了。所有参加比赛的驾驶员都准备竭尽全力地争取获胜,那怕担当一切风险,把汽车开得散了架子也在所不惜。”
英文: The study was conducted using exercise bikes indoors, and makes no attempt to compare how much pollution gets breathed in by cyclists and drivers in real-world cycling conditions,said a rebuttal from the CTC.
中文: “该项研究使用的是室内的健身自行车,而没有尝试对真实骑车场景下骑手与驾驶员所呼吸的污染物进行比较,”CTC反驳说。
英文: Unsafe habits can be unlearned just as easily as they can be learned, but first, drivers must recognize the risk they face by not concentrating on their driving,said Lisa Dorn, director of Driver Research at Cranfield University.
中文: 克兰菲尔德大学司机研究中心主任莉沙多恩说:“司机们容易养成不安全的驾驶习惯,也可以轻松的改掉这些习惯,但首先他们必须认识到驾驶时开小差是非常危险的。”