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operating room

【化】 操纵室\n【医】 手术室

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英文: A group in the cardiac surgery section of the Operating Room in a large urban hospital met to explore the issue: Given our current caseload, how can we increase efficiency so we all get home on time?

中文: 在一家大型的市中心医院当中,心脏外科运用开放空间会议讨论这个议题「在这样的工作量下,我们如何增加工作效率以准时回家?」        更详细...
英文: After the 22-hour risky separation surgery, Maria Teresa was wheeled back into the operating room for nearly five more hours because of a buildup of blood on her brain, Lazareff said.

中文: 拉扎雷夫说,在长达22小时的险象环生分离手术后,玛利亚·特蕾沙由于脑部积血而被推回了手术室,手术又继续了将近5小时之久。        更详细...
英文: Ariel Sharon's battle to stay alive entered a new phase when, early Friday, his doctors rushed him back into the operating room for the third time in less than 48 hours.

中文: 以色列总理沙龙星期五接受了长达5个小时的紧急医疗手术,以缓解颅内压力和制止脑部出血。沙龙的医生说,手术是成功的。不过,沙龙目前依然处于危险状态。        更详细...
英文: His wife pushed to the operating room by nurses,he walked and smoked one by one.When the door opened he felt nervous.

中文: 他的妻子被推进了手术室,他在外面一支接一支地吸着烟,来回走动。当看到门打开时,他感到一阵紧张。        更详细...
英文: Nilsson's team based their conclusions on a study of 90 women who were randomly assigned to listen to music, a combination of music and therapeutic words or ordinary sounds of the operating room during a hysterectomy.

中文: 尼尔森医生的研究小组随机选择了90名接受子宫切除手术的女病人,手术中向一部分病人播放音乐,向另一部分播放音乐和治疗建议,其余的只听得到手术室中正常的声响。        更详细...

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