英文: Indeed, if these regions raised consumption to match that of industrial countries, human appropriation of NPP could rise to more than 35 percent.
中文: 而事实上,如果这些开发中国家的消耗量跟工业国家一样,全球人类消耗的NPP比率将超过35%。
英文: It could also reduce biodiversity, which in turn could lead to declining NPP because of the disruption of such processes as crop pollination and pest control.
中文: 这是由于生物多样性的降低,会干扰农作物授粉,也危及害虫防治的进行。
英文: Large urban areas consume 300 times the amount of NPP generated locally, whereas in sparsely inhabited areas of the Amazon, human appropriation is close to zero.
中文: 大城市的消耗量可以是其他地区的300倍,而在亚马逊人烟稀少的地区,比率则趋近于零。
英文: The data of VVER-000 Kalinin NPP provided by IAEA are used to validate the code package TPFAPHEX/SIMSIX.
中文: 本文在SIMSIX的输入文件的填写中通过将六角形堆芯的/ 输入到方形堆芯的/区域、缺少部分用围板/反射层组件来填补解决了这一问题。
英文: The results showed that increasing trends of boreal forest NPP were very significant,and the annual increasing rate of boreal forest NPP was (0. %).
中文: 果表明 :中国北方林生产力呈增加的趋势 ,平均年增长率为 0 . % ;