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heat shield


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英文: A saucer-shaped heat shield will protect the craft from the high temperatures of atmospheric entry.

中文: 探测器有碟形隔热板保护,免受进入大气时的高温损伤。        更详细...
英文: Columbia was destroyed and its seven astronauts killed because of heat shield damage on the ship's wing caused by foam falling off the fuel tank during launch.

中文: “哥伦比亚”号航天飞机发射升空时,从其燃料箱上脱落的一块泡沫材料击中了机翼上的隔热板,最终导致航天飞机解体爆炸,七名宇航员丧生。        更详细...
英文: It wants to make sure that the tank modifications have ended the threat of large piece of hard insulating from falling off and threatening the shuttle's fragile heat shield , like the piece that punctured and doomed the shuttle Colombia in 2003.

中文: 这是为了确保油箱的改造终结了大块脱落的绝热板对飞船脆弱的绝热层的威胁,就像那块2003年刺破,并且毁灭了哥伦比亚号的碎片。        更详细...
英文: NASA on Wednesday cleared the Space Shuttle Atlantis for a Thursday landing attempt in Florida, confident that unidentified objects spotted near the spaceship did not result from heat shield or other critical equipment damage.

中文: 美国宇航局在星期三批准宇宙飞船亚特兰蒂斯于星期四在佛罗里达的着陆尝试,在太空飞船附近的发现的不明(脱落)物体已证实不是由于隔热瓦或其他关键装备损伤引起的.        更详细...
英文: Reentering the earth's atmosphere at these enormous speeds results in violent collision of air molecules with the heat shield of the space craft which heats up several thousands of degrees and burns away partially.

中文: 重新以这种巨大的速度进入地球大气层,引起空气的分子与宇宙飞船上的隔热板相撞从而使隔热板热到几千度并部分烧毁。        更详细...

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