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prep.自从 conj.自从;因为,既然 ad.后来

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英文: But since I could not see because of the brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by those who were with me and came into Damascus.

中文: 徒22:12那里有一个人、名叫亚拿尼亚、按著律法是虔诚人、为一切住在那里的犹太人所称赞。        更详细...
英文: China has 100 million Internet users and mobile phone users is the amount of three times the figure, Since the 100 million Internet users could create such a big Internet search market. 300 million cell phone users have a reason to be three times the mark

中文: “中国有1亿网民,手机用户量是这个数字的3倍,既然1亿网民可以造就这么大的互联网的搜索市场,3亿手机用户有理由可以产生3倍的市场”,马昭德清醒地认识到,随着3G(第三代移动通信技术)商用化的日益临近,移动通讯网络的应用、服务开始逐步升温,时机已不容错过。        更详细...
英文: China has 100 million Internet users, but the mobile phone ownership over three million, Since the 100 million Internet users in the eye can hasten the birth of the Internet search market. 300 million people are naturally eyeball 3 times the market, accor

中文: “中国有1亿网民,但是手机拥有量超过3个亿,既然1亿网民的眼球可以催生互联网的搜索市场,3亿人的眼球理所当然有3倍的市场”,据马介绍,与传统搜索引擎不同,他主要挖掘的是本地搜索市场,以与本地人生活密切相关的行业为代表,例如餐饮、娱乐、旅游、房产等;但是,在成都市场打开后,他将在全国各个城市布点,每个城市搞一套自己的平台。        更详细...
英文: Do you know that Mary hasn't once driven over to see her father since he has been ill? I can well believe it. She always was a heartless girl.

中文: 你知道吗?自从玛丽的父亲病了,她一次也没有开车去看他。我相信,她原来就是一个无情无义的女孩。        更详细...
英文: During this period our target is fitness and physical energy, although we will continue to practise our tactics and teamwork,said the coach who, since the draw at Chiclayo on 18 July, has begun tailoring training sessions and friendly opposition to prepar

中文: 这段时间训练我们的主要目标是身体的调整和体能的储备,同时我们也会练习一些技战术和团队配合,7月18日在被乌兹别克斯坦队逼平后主教练说.他已经开始安排战术以应付同组的对手.        更详细...

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