英文: A big part of the problem is the central government's disinclination to spend money on solving it.
中文: 一个重要的问题就是中央政府厌于花钱解决这件事。
英文: Her resentment opened out a little every year: the embrace she had glimpsed, Ennis's fishing trips once or twice a year with Jack Twist and never a vacation with her and the girls, his disinclination to step out and have any fun, his yearning for low paid
中文: 她心里的怨怼与日俱增:她无意中瞥见的那个拥抱;他每年都会和杰克·崔斯特出去两三回,却从不带她和孩子们度假;他不爱出门也不爱玩儿;他老是找些报酬低,耗时长的粗重活干;他喜欢挨墙睡,一沾床就开始打呼;他就是没办法在县城或电力公司找份长期的体面差事;他使她的生活陷入了一个无底黑洞……于是,在小阿尔玛9岁,弗朗仙7岁的时候,她和埃尼斯离婚,嫁给了杂货店老板。
英文: She has shown a marked disinclination to do anything to help us.
中文: 她已做出明显的表示,不愿意做任何事来帮助我们。
英文: Some schoolboys have a strong disinclination for work.
中文: 有些男学生对工作极为厌恶。
英文: “Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself” (George Meredith).
中文: “人的许多被动的善行是源于不愿给自己造成痛苦”(乔治·梅雷迪斯)。