英文: A detailed US examination using a 3.5-MHz transabdominal probe demonstrated a fused single ventricle, a fused thalami, a cleft lip and palate, and the absence of falx cerebri in her fetus.
中文: 腹部超音波显示胎儿有单一脑室,融合的视丘及缺少大脑帘并唇裂及颚裂畸形。
英文: A natural sounding headphone should have a gentle hump in the bass (about 3 or 4 dB) between 40Hz and 500Hz. (This compensates for the fact that headphones don't give you the physical punch that the sound from a speaker has; so a slight compensation of in
中文: 这大致是说,耳机频响曲线在低频40-500赫兹间有个小的隆起是正常的,因为耳机不能象喇叭那样给人真实的低频冲击力,所以在这个低频段加强一些,声音反而自然逼真些.另外,为避免太刺激耳朵,耳机在1000赫兹起到耳朵听力的极限20000赫兹间应该有衰减,到2万赫兹处比平均输出低8-10分贝是正常现象.
英文: A .8-to-8.-GHz frequency tripler, employing packaged planardiffused GaAs varactor diodes and an individually tunable idler circuit, is fabricated.
中文: 设计制作了一个从.8GHz到8.GHz的封装型变容管三倍频器,这是目前报导的用封装型变容管所达到的最高频率。
英文: A Design of -GHz Low Noise Converter With Planar Circuit Mounted in Waveguide
中文: GHz平面立体电路混频器的设计
英文: A frequency tripler covering 0-70 GHz frequency band with a peak efficiency of .8% is lescribed. The maximum output power occurs at input power of 0-0 mW.
中文: 本文描述了频率复盖0—70GHz的 倍频器,最高的倍频效率为.8%,最大的输出功率发生在输入功率为 0—0mW的范围内。