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financial institution

【经】 金融机构, 财务(财政)机构

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英文: Any financial institution should resolutely practice the fundamental deposit account system in strict accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China regarding account management and prevent restructured enterprises from evading and rejecting

中文: 各金融机构要严格执行中国人民银行有关帐户管理的规定,坚决执行基本存款帐户制度,防止改制企业利用多头开户逃废金融债务。        更详细...
英文: Article 10 The financial institution within the territory of China and the underwriting institution shall determine the interest rate or price for the issuance of RMB bonds through negotiations.

中文: 第十条人民币债券发行利率或发行价格由境内金融机构和承销机构协商确定。        更详细...
英文: Article 105 Any staff member of a financial institution who neglects his duties and accepts, pays or guarantees an instrument which does not conform to the provisions of this Law, shall be punished; if this act causes substantial losses and constitutes a

中文: 第一百零四条金融机构工作人员在票据业务中玩忽职守,对违反本法规定的票据予以承兑、付款或者保证的,给予处分;造成重大损失,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。        更详细...
英文: Article 105 Any staff member of a financial institution who, through neglect of his duty, accepts, pays or guarantees a negotiable instrument which is at variance with the provisions of this Law, shall be given administrative sanction; if his act causes h

中文: 第一百零四条金融机构工作人员在票据业务中玩忽职守,对违反本法规定的票据予以承兑、付款或者保证的,给予处分;造成重大损失,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。        更详细...
英文: Article 11 A financial institution within the territory of China shall report the circumstances concerning the issuance of RMB bonds to the PBC, the NDRC and the SAFE within 10 workdays after conclusion of the issuance of RMB bonds, and apply for the regi

中文: 第十一条境内金融机构应当在人民币债券发行工作结束后10个工作日内,将人民币债券发行情况书面报告中国人民银行、国家发展和改革委员会和国家外汇管理局,并按有关规定向所在地国家外汇管理局分局申请办理债券资金登记。        更详细...

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