英文: During the Banpo man time or in the Middle Holocene, 5000~6000 Bp, the climate within the modern glaciation best fitted vegetation and the intrusion of some sub-tropic trees was postulated to have taken place.
中文: 古土壤代表间冰期夏季风盛行的湿热气候,植被比较繁盛;黄土代表冰期冬季风盛行的干冷气候,植被凋凌。
英文: I argue that the level of dangerous anthropogenic influence is likely to be set by the global temperature and planetary radiation imbalance at which substantial deglaciation becomes practically impossible to avoid.
中文: 我认为,「危险人为干扰」的全球暖化认定标准,最好根据全球温度及地球辐射的不平衡来设定,底限是不要让冰川消退量达到失控的程度。
英文: Studies of certain fossil distributions and of the pollen of certain temperate plants suggest decreases of a degree or two in both summer and winter temperatures and, therefore, that we may be in the declining climatic phase leading to glaciation and exti
中文: 对某些化石分布以及某些温带植物花粉的研究表明,夏天和冬天的温度下降了一到两度,所以,我们可能正处于气温日渐降低、冰川和灭绝即将来临的过程之中。
英文: The development of an atypical Hirnantia-brachiopod Fauna and the onset of glaciation in the late Ordovician of Gondwana / Owen E. Sutcliffe ... [et al.].
中文: 冈瓦纳古陆晚奥陶统一个典型的赫南特贝属-腕足动物群的发育和冰川作用的开始.
英文: The first of these glacial periods is often called the Huronian glaciation because it is well exposed in rocks just north of Lake Huron in southern Canada.
中文: 第一次冰期称为「休伦冰期」,因其遗迹在加拿大南部休伦湖北方的岩石中清晰可见。